How an HR Analytics Company Uses ScraperAPI to Power Its Workforce Intelligence Database

Our engineers use ScraperAPI to ingest data. Then, they transform these data sets into valuable insights that our tool delivers to its clients.”

About the Client

The Client is a workforce analytics company that provides comprehensive global workforce databases. The Client’s company collects and aggregates millions of publicly available employment records, including professional profiles, job postings, employee sentiment reviews, and layoff notices. They use this data to create a comprehensive workforce database.

The Challenge

In the past, the Client used external platforms to extract data en-masse from public sources. But they soon realized that these web scrapers couldn’t collect data efficiently. 


All of these challenges made it harder for the Client to access the publicly available data they needed on time. They needed a more efficient way to scrape data ethically.

At first, we relied entirely on third-party scrapers. But we were not particularly thrilled with how some of these scraping partners handled the process, so we wanted to move things in-house.

about scraperapi

Everything just made sense — it was much better than the other tools we had tried.

Implementing the API was pretty straightforward, and the tools support team was always available to help throughout the process.

The Solution

The Client’s team found ScraperAPI via a simple Google search and signed up immediately to try it out.

Going Forward

ScraperAPI continues to play an important role in the Client’s mission: to deliver the world’s most comprehensive workforce database that empowers companies to make actionable, data-driven decisions.

Ready to start scraping?

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